The Museum of Avant-garde


Founded in 1919 the Bauhaus movement was conceived by Walter Gropius to bridge the gap between fine arts and applied arts, and, influenced by Constructivism, celebrating modernism and social relevance. At the heart of Gropius’s vision was the Bauhaus School, opened in Weimar and moved to Dessau in 1923, with a unique and revolutionary programme and curriculum of aesthetic courses, combined with practical workshops and experimentation – art as a research process. Among its protagonists were the Expressionist Johannes Itten, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, László Moholy-Nagy, Lyonel Feininger, Oskar Schlemmer, Hannes Meyer, who took over from Gropius. Forced to close in 1932 by the Nazis, the school moved to Berlin under Mies van Der Rohe, who advocated the functionalist architecture that made the movement known as International Style. The impact of Bauhaus rippled for decades through its most notable exponents, with Josef Albers at the Black Mountain College, with Moholy-Nagy at the School of Design, later Institute of Design in Chicago (the New Bauhaus) and with Max Bill, who prolonged its legacy founding the Concrete Art movement. Its legacy was also kept alive in Germany by the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm.


Josef Albers
Herbert Bayer
Max Bill
Irena Blühová
Sándor Bortnyik
Marianne Brandt
Max Burchartz
Paul Citroen
Edmund Collein
Erich Consemüller
Franz Ehrlich
T. Lux Feininger
Andreas Feininger
Lyonel Feininger
Werner David Feist
Ladislav Foltyn
Naum Gabo
Lotte Gerson-Collein
Walter Gropius
Albert Hennig
Florence Henri
Johannes Itten
Wassily Kandinsky
Paul Klee
Hannes Meyer
Lucia Moholy
László Moholy-Nagy
Farkas Molnár
Gyula Pap
Walter Peterhans
Enrico Prampolini
Gerrit Rietveld
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Hajo Rose
Willem Sandberg
Xanti Schawinsky
Oskar Schlemmer
Joost Schmidt
Jan Tschichold
Umbo (Otto Umbehr)
Moï Ver
Piet Zwart