The Museum of Avant-garde

Philippe Soupault

France (1897—1990)

Soupault’s early collection Aquarium was supported by Apollinaire, who introduced him to André Breton. The two – together with Louis Aragon –founded the review Littérature, moving away from Dada movement and laying the foundations of Surrealism. He co-authored Les Champs Magnétique with Bréton, using their ‘automatic writing’ technique. He went back to write verses with Westwego and Georgia. From 1920s he abandoned Surrealism to focus on novels and journalism. In 1933 he met Ré Richter and travelled with her throughout Europe and North Africa. He directed Radio Tunis for 3 years and was arrested by the Vichy government but managed to escape to Algiers and to US, returning to France only after WWII.

Guillaume Apollinaire / Ré Soupault / André Breton