After his studies in arts and theatre in Zagreb, Micić founded, managed and directed a theatre. Sent to fight in WWI in Galicia, he was imprisoned in Samobor, where he met the writer Pecija Petrovic. After the war he went back to writing and published collections of poems. In 1921 he founded the international magazine Zenit, first in Zagreb and later in Belgrade. Due to political reasons he moved to Berlin, where he met El Lissitzky. The issue 43 of Zenit magazine featured the report titled Zenitism – Through the Prism of Marxism, which costed Micić to be imprisoned again until Marinetti managed to get him transferred to Italy, where he met Pirandello, and later to Paris. He returned to Belgrade in 1936 and few years later he founded the magazine Srbianship.
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti / El Lissitzky (Lazar Markovich Lissitzky)