The Museum of Avant-garde

Franz Ehrlich

Germany (1907—1984)

Trained as a machinist, Ehrlich joined Bauhaus in Dessau and studied under Moholy-Nagy, Klee, Kandinsky and Joost Schmidt. He also worked on sculpture and typography and with Gropius, who brought him to Berlin. Here he opened his Studio Z with Loew, while working as a graphic designer for the Junge Garde magazine. This caused him to be imprisoned and transferred to Buchenwald. From the concentration camp he had to serve SS as an architect and sculptor, producing also the famous Jedem Das Seine entrance gate. After WWII he collaborated as urban planner and architect for the reconstruction of Dresden and for Berlin, and in 1955 he worked as architect for the GDR Ministry for Foreign Trade.

Walter Gropius / Joost Schmidt / Paul Klee / László Moholy-Nagy / Wassily Kandinsky